Welcome to KONŠTRUKTA - TireTech - Tire machinery with new dimensions


Service & Support

We are here to help

Although Konstrukta's equipment is highly reliable, unexpected problems can occure. With Konstrukta's remote support our experts are here to make sure you will recieve support when you need it the most.

Condition Inspection

Condition Inspections by Konstrukta's engineers after a certain time of equipment operation are the key to guarantee a correct balance between costly over maintenance and risky production losses. No one is better to maintain your Konstrukta machine that your own well trained staff, on the other hand konstrukta's service engineers inspect machines all around the world, operationg under a wide variety of conditions with years of experience.

Preventive maintenance

Downtimes are expensive, especially when they are unplanned. Moreover, the planned maintenance of equipment will help to improve equipment's longetivity and health to avoid any unplanned maintenance activity. To involve Konstrukta's Service Engineers will deliver additional product knowledge to check the condition of critical parts, ensuring that no risks are taken with these parts.

Corrective Maintenance

We understand that it's not possible to have the skills or experience for all possible maintenance tasks especially when some of them occur once per a life time of the machine. Konstrukta's service engineers are collecting knowledge of machines all around the world, facing a wide variety of situations, so they can be a useful addition to your team to resolve isues in the most efficient way.

Calibration Service

Your Konstrukta equipment is capable to produce on a high accuracy level for several decades. To ensure you are always using the full potential of your Konstrukta equipment, we recommend to perform calibration checks on a regular basis. Especially for new equipment when the calibration is performed for the first time, the support of Konstrukta's Service Engineers will ensure a quick, efficient, and quality calibration. 


We are here to help

Feel free to get in touch with us. Looking forward to hearing from you!
We will do our best to meet your requirements.